Gestural Connections

Kelly Dzioba and Kat Richards

October 6 - November 3, 2023
319 N. 11th St. Unit 2A Philadelphia 19107

Opening Reception: Friday, October 6, 2023

Kat Richards’ connection to print media becomes an extension of their queerness, gender, and body. Richards utilizes the printing press as a genderless tool for reproduction, employing shapes and colors as metaphors for an ever-evolving self.

Similarly utilizing her physical artistic process as a connection to self, Kelly Dzioba’s work arises from the desire to find comfort and self-soothing in the obsessive nature of making. Dzioba delves into textiles as a form of process art, weaving together universal elements of textile techniques to create recursive objects. Dzioba’s work playfully teases the boundaries between art and craft, invoking themes of value and consumption, while incorporating camp and visual decadence.